That's just perfect, little furry one! When photographing pets, particularly dogs, it is important to ease into it, just like when you're meeting them for the first time. They are timid at first but tend to turn into hams right away!
Giant Schnauzers make for some incredibly photogenic doggies! Actually, who am I kidding? All pets are photogenic! Don't you just want to kiss him on the nose? REPEATEDLY?
Meet "Gypsy", our first pet! My husband and I found her under a wood deck, or shall I say she found us. This little cutie was the only kitty brave enough to venture out on her own so we named her Gypsy. Today she is 16 years old and still had a gypsy soul.
“She was born to be free, let her run wild in her own way and you will never lose her.”
― Nikki Rowe
Just look at the portrait of this happy, little, white, cotton-ball-of-a-pup! Portraits with solid color backdrops work great with pets that are well trained and will stay put for a second at least! This little guy was a gentleman!
Lemme take a selfie! Can you imagine if your dog could actually take a selfie? LOL! Until they can, capturing their portraits in the "wild" is a fun and memorable way to remember them forever! This doggy was having fun at the beach running around and enjoying the sunny day!
Doggy feet are great! Is your dog ticklish too? In pet photo shoots its also the details about your pet that you want to capture in photographs, their feet, their nose, their eyes! All make for some spectacular photographs and memories.
This little guy is energetic and loves to run around and have fun! He's a bundle of love and the BEST DOG EVER! Can you tell he's mine? All jokes aside, photographing pets in action is a great way to spend an afternoon with these little bundles of joy. Having a photographer there for the fun is a great way to remember the day forever!
"I know, I'm cute but I'm sleepy momma! This lady keeps pointing that thing at me and taking pictures." Dogs can almost speak with their eyes! Every time I photograph pets I try and capture them as they are around their family. I encourage you to bring their toys and treats to the photo session.
"I will cut you lady!"
Parrots say the darnedest things and they really are showstoppers when it comes to photographing them. They like to put on a show and there is no limit to the kind of things they will do for attention.
Look at the perfect little heart shaped nose on this tiny chihuahua. She is such a little cutie! Super sweet little bundle of love. She really enjoyed this photoshoot, if I didn't know any better I would swear that she knew she was being photographed.
This little man is a Brussels Griffon, a super smart and intelligent guy. Some call them Monkey Face, I call them Cutie Pa-tooties! He has a way of letting you know he's in charge and he will lick you into submission! I just love that face!
"I'll lay here and look like a cat for your picture because I want to, not because you asked. Make sure you leave some cat treats before you leave. Hurry up, I don't have all day." Cats are amazing creatures and they make great subjects for pet photographs!
This beautiful mix breed was wandering a beach in Tunquen, Chile when I decided to photograph her. Imagine a secluded South Pacific beach nestled in the center of a horseshoe shaped cliff. Private residences sparsely dot the landscape overlooking the beach below and it is a 900 ft decent within only a 1/8 of a mile. This pup belongs to one of the residents and loves to take afternoon strolls on the beach alone. It was a beautiful day!
I'm not sure if it's just me or if most people feel the same way but Schnauzers are a very handsome breed in my opinion. I guess it's because they tend to look a bit regal at times showing a very stoic facial expression. Add a cute furry mustache and a big black nose and voila! I love to photograph Schnauzers!
Can you believe this beautiful mix breed was abandoned by someone? She was adopted by a client and as it turns out is the best dog someone could ask for! This photo shoot was a mix of belly and pets and we had a great time photographing this wonderful family.
This big girl loves long walks on the beach, taking care of her daughters, cheese and lots of affection! She's got a huge heart too! It's pups like this that totally make my job worthwhile. On this photoshoot there were three dogs! Any number is fine with me!
The portrait of a Blue Quaker named Lola. She whispered and blew kisses to her human, she lives in a wrought iron condo and looks at herself in the mirror, often! She knows she's a beauty and she let me photograph her and in the end, blew some kisses at me too!
German Shepherds are one of the finest breed of working dogs! But you know what they say about all work and no play don't ya? This big guy was having the time of his life during this photo session. Running around the beach and enjoying every second of it! I love dogs being dogs! These candid shot make for some great memories of your beloved pets!
An action shot of this great dog in a medium gallop! He's focused on those waves and determined to bark at and chase every one of them back to wherever it is they came from! German Shepherds are definitely dogs with purpose and you can see it in this photograph of this incredible breed.
The Weimaraner breed have that unmistakable look of nobility. They are graceful, elegant and sharp! Make no mistake, this breed will also melt your heart! They are losing and unique creatures with an uncanny photogenic trait! I fell in love with this guy during this photo session!
When I book pet photo sessions, a question that often comes up is whether to photograph them in a portrait session or conversely in a free setting. No one knows your pet's temperament better than you and ultimately the decision is yours. However, any pet can be photographed in a portrait style session as long as you keep them focused on the task at hand.
This dark gray cat is names Enzo, his mom calls him a Sexy Beast. Can you blame her? He is an adorably cute, cuddly, furry ball of love and I absolutely loved having to beg for his attention!
You can definitely see the smile this yellow lab is cracking! He's looking at his human, so of course there's something to smile about. Doggie portraits are the best!
Dogs are hilarious, have you ever just said a key word, you know, one of their favorite ones? "Do you wannnaaa..."
Immediately their eyes light up and that intense stare starts... like, "did you say....treat?"
Parrots are notoriously mischievous and curious. This little guy screamed, or shall I say... sang until I was in his face shooting his portraits. He called me over and wanted a piece of the shiny thing I was holding. Glad to report that everything went well.
How to describe this girl with one word... Sleepy! She practically did not even get up for her portraits. She was in a zoned out mood. I did get many of her staring into the lens with her beautiful eyes. Do you see those eyelashes? Such a cutie!
This doggie is a poodle, yes, a poodle! He is combed everyday so that his long curly locks don't tangle up. When I first met him, I thought he was some exotic breed I had never heard of. Instead, he turned out to be the cutest, fluffiest, well mannered poodle on earth! His portraits came out amazing!
Is there anything more beautiful than looking into the eyes of an animal, knowing they see you, they're thinking... "what's she thinking?" This gorgeous horse kept his eyes on my, so I naturally took a portrait of his eye. Big and inquiring, such lovely mammals.